
2023年10月29日—Somepeopleinsistthatit'sasimplecaseofsubtraction:78minus33equals45.Nope.Again,let'slookatsomemathandgeometry.Inthis ...,Thesonicqualityofthe45swasmuchrichercomparedtothe78s.Thoughvinylscratchedmoreduetoitslightness,itssurfacedidn'tcreatenoise.With ...,Alsolike78s,theshortplayingtimeofasingle45rpmsidemeantthatlongworks,suchassymphoniesandoperas,hadtobereleasedonmultiple45sinstead...

Explaining the sizes and speeds of vinyl records

2023年10月29日 — Some people insist that it's a simple case of subtraction: 78 minus 33 equals 45. Nope. Again, let's look at some math and geometry. In this ...

The Differences Between 334578 Records

The sonic quality of the 45s was much richer compared to the 78s. Though vinyl scratched more due to its lightness, its surface didn't create noise. With ...

Phonograph record

Also like 78s, the short playing time of a single 45 rpm side meant that long works, such as symphonies and operas, had to be released on multiple 45s instead ...

Vinyl Record Sizes

5 天前 — Navigate the world of vinyl sizes with House of Marley! Break down the differences between 33, 45, and 78 RPMs with ease.

Vinyl Record Sizes

Vinyl records come in numerous speeds that impact playback and compatibility. 33, 45, and 78 RPM represents the speed at which the record spins on your ...

Why 78, 45 and 33 13 record formats?

Since the grooves are so spaced out and the records spin so fast, a standard 10-inch 78 can't hold more than about 3 minutes of music per side. They are ...

Vinyl Record Sizes and Speeds - What does 33 - 45

While the 45 didn't provide any real benefit over the 78, it was a smaller size. So, by the early 1950s, nearly all record manufactures focused on systems that ...

Difference Between 33, 45, and 78 Records?

Entire rock concerts jammed into two sides of a vinyl record. With tighter grooves and a slower spin rate, the 33rpm records left the 78s in the dust. In just ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
